How to Clean a Marble Tile Shower Floor

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When it comes to flooring, shower stalls, and more, marble tile is undeniably a popular choice due to its beauty and versatility. However, cleaning and maintaining marble can be a challenge, particularly if not done correctly. In this comprehensive step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the exact process of cleaning a marble tile shower floor. Get ready to learn the best practices for maintaining the pristine condition of your marble tiles. Let's get started!

There are many ways of cleaning a marble tile shower floors, but we are going to discuss only two of them. Anyhow, these two ways are definitely the best possible ways that anyone can do. Let’s begin.

1. Every day cleaning

Most of the people use this method since it doesn’t require much time and effort. But, the bad side is that it needs to be done every day. Anyhow, here is how you can clean marble tile shower floors every day.

1) Mix dish soap and warm water

Most of the cleansers are way too acidic which can damage the marble tiles. Therefore, it is recommendable to avoid products with lemon, vinegar, or even bleach in it. This way, you will ensure that your marble tiles are not in danger of getting damaged.

That is the exact reason why gentle and non-abrasive dish soap is the best choice here. Also, keep in mind to shake the mix well and make sure that the ingredients are well mixed. However, if you decide to use some products, keep in mind that they are safe for marble, otherwise stay away from products that can damage the marble.

2) Apply the mix to the marble

The best way to apply the mix to the marble tiles is to fill the spray bottle with the mixture and apply it directly to the marble floors. The only thing to look out for is the amount that you will be applying on the marble. Make sure not to apply too much since it will be harder to mop up the mixture later.

There really shouldn’t be any pools of liquid on the marble tiles, but make sure to get it wet.

3) Wipe thoroughly every tile

After you successfully applied the mixture to the tiles, it is time to wipe it now. Make sure to do this part correctly and with care. The marble tiles can be sensitive from time to time, but all you need to do is to wipe it thoroughly.

The first thing you want to do here is to take a nice soft dry towel and start wiping the marble in circular motions.

2. Preventing any damage to the marble floors

The whole process of cleaning a marble floor can sometimes damage the floor which is something that you definitely don’t want. Now, here are some of the best ways of protecting marble floors from getting damaged.

1) Make sure to wipe up any spills quickly

When you spill some liquids on the marble floor and don’t mop them quickly, you risk that your marble floor will get damaged. This happens especially with the acidic liquids like citrus juices, wine, vinegar, and other stuff like that. However, in order to prevent this, all you need to do is to make sure to wipe up quickly any time of spills on the floor.

2) Protect your marble with coverings

There are some ways of protecting your marble floors with coverings. Now, if you use the right coverings, you will basically get the best protection. Make sure to use the bathroom mat in order to get the best protection.

Basically, every time you step out of a shower, some amount of water will be spilled on the marble floors. But, with the right bathroom mat, you will be able to get the best protection possible.


The whole process of cleaning and protecting your marble tile floor isn’t that hard to do after all. Anyhow, we have explained the whole process thoroughly so it is only up to you to get it done properly.

Make sure to do everything as we said, and you will be just fine.

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by Shelly Rhoades
Having recognized the need for accessible and affordable solutions in the remodeling industry, Shelly founded Affordable Kitchen and Baths with the mission of helping homeowners create their dream spaces without breaking the bank. Her dedication to providing reliable advice and quality resources has garnered her a loyal following and established her as a go-to resource for anyone looking to transform their kitchen or bathroom.

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